By Lyn Moes
At Buderim Yoga Lyn Moes teaches Classical Hatha Yoga. It is the Traditional Hatha Yoga, which originated in India.
It is the practice which includes: Prananyama which is breathing techniques; Asanas which is Yoga Postures and
Yoga Nidra which is guided Relaxation.
It is the holistic yogic path that includes Yama and Niyama and the 8 Limbs of Yoga. These are the moral disciplines directing us towards our goals of health,
peace and happiness. Classical Yoga is in keeping with the Spiritual Teachings of Patanjali an Ancient Yoga Spiritual Master and acknowledges Yoga as a Way of Life.
It is important to find the Yoga style that resonates with you. The work you do on your Yoga Mat affects your whole life. It changes the way you breathe and as you breathe consciously your nervous system receives the benefits. It is a powerful therapy to help heal relationships and conquer fear and boost your overall outlook on life. It supports you physically, emotionally, mentally and spiritually. It is a holistic system of wellness that you monitor yourself and has a positive effect in all areas of your life.
You take charge of your life. The correct teacher will become a friend for life as you progress to be the best you can be.
Click here for Guidelines for Beginners

A pdf about ten important Mudras that can result in amazing health benefits.