3 Classes Per Week

Yoga Class
Monday 6pm to 7.30pm

Yoga Class
Tuesday 9.30am to 11am

Meditation Class
Tuesday 11.15am to 12.30pm
Meditation Classes
This group meditation tuition is a complete guide on how to meditate and how to put meditation into your daily life.
Meditation Classes will be held after the Tuesday Hatha Yoga Class You will receive guidance and support, recognising that we all grow at our own pace. This is a non-denomination Spiritual group, aimed at healing ourselves of stress, tension and unhappiness. Peace, Calm, Mindfulness and Self Awareness are some of the benefits of joining this Meditation Class.
Classes are held in Term Blocks and Bookings are Essential for the Term. When a student makes a commitment for the Term progress can happen and changes of health and vitality are visible.
Classes are held in Term Blocks and Bookings are Essential for the Term. When a student makes a commitment for the Term progress can happen and changes of health and vitality are visible.
All about Meditation
“Meditation allows you to come to know your invisible self. It allows you to empty yourself of the endless hyperactivity of your mind, and to attain calmness. It teaches you to be peaceful, to remove stress, to receive answers where confusion previously reigned, to slow yourself down and ultimately, when you adopt meditation as a way of life, to be able to go to that peaceful place anytime.
I do mean anytime. In the middle of a business meeting, in the midst of a tragedy, during an athletic competition…anytime!Meditation can and will help you become your own miracle worker and come to know the meaning of real magic.
”He also says “After meditating I feel centered and focused and relate to others seeing the fullness of the Divine in them. I automatically eat better, make healthier choices, drink more water, exercise more and feel more generous, more forgiving, less stressful and less fatigued. I really cannot emphasize enough how valuable the practice of meditation is for me.”
In “The Three Pillars of Zen” Phillip Kapleau summarized what you can receive from the commitment to the exercise of meditation. “For the ordinary man, whose mind is a checkerboard of crisscrossing reflections, opinions, and prejudices, bare attention is virtually impossible; his life is thus centered not in reality itself but in his ideas of it. By focusing the mind wholly on each object and every action, zazen (meditation) strips it of extraneous thoughts and allows us to enter into a full rapport with life.”
Yes! You will truly move from ideas about your life to experiencing your purpose here, your heroic life mission. Another way of saying this was offered by Taisen Deshimaru: “If you have a glass full of liquid you can discourse forever on its qualities, discuss whether it is cold, warm, whether it is really and truly composed of H2O, or even mineral water, or sake. Meditation is drinking it!”
There is much to be said about meditation. However, I challenge you to stop reading and join a guided meditation group. See my times written on the section “Classes” on this website. I intend to spend many hours teaching Meditation this year and would love you to join me. Don’t hesitate to phone me for a chat about Meditation.
I do mean anytime. In the middle of a business meeting, in the midst of a tragedy, during an athletic competition…anytime!Meditation can and will help you become your own miracle worker and come to know the meaning of real magic.
”He also says “After meditating I feel centered and focused and relate to others seeing the fullness of the Divine in them. I automatically eat better, make healthier choices, drink more water, exercise more and feel more generous, more forgiving, less stressful and less fatigued. I really cannot emphasize enough how valuable the practice of meditation is for me.”
In “The Three Pillars of Zen” Phillip Kapleau summarized what you can receive from the commitment to the exercise of meditation. “For the ordinary man, whose mind is a checkerboard of crisscrossing reflections, opinions, and prejudices, bare attention is virtually impossible; his life is thus centered not in reality itself but in his ideas of it. By focusing the mind wholly on each object and every action, zazen (meditation) strips it of extraneous thoughts and allows us to enter into a full rapport with life.”
Yes! You will truly move from ideas about your life to experiencing your purpose here, your heroic life mission. Another way of saying this was offered by Taisen Deshimaru: “If you have a glass full of liquid you can discourse forever on its qualities, discuss whether it is cold, warm, whether it is really and truly composed of H2O, or even mineral water, or sake. Meditation is drinking it!”
There is much to be said about meditation. However, I challenge you to stop reading and join a guided meditation group. See my times written on the section “Classes” on this website. I intend to spend many hours teaching Meditation this year and would love you to join me. Don’t hesitate to phone me for a chat about Meditation.
Wayne Dwyer "Real Magic" says (read p98 to p105)
"Your Heart Space" by Lyn Moes
We chase deadlines, work long hours, look after children, houses, families, gardens, friends and all the various other things in our full lives. Good. Yet it can be very stressful.
Do you feel overwhelmed by life’s many choices? High blood pressure, anxiety, depression and chronic health problems are “dis – eases” of modern living.
Do you feel overwhelmed by life’s many choices? High blood pressure, anxiety, depression and chronic health problems are “dis – eases” of modern living.

Relaxing using TV, wine, out for a meal with friends, playing tennis, all of these things have their place, but they do not address the deep, deep inner knowing, that we are still not relaxed. Some of these things, while pleasurable, create more stress. Often deep restorative rest that our bodies and minds need is illusive to us, unless we are doing regular Yoga Nidra. How often do we have a really good, uninterrupted long sleep, free from tension? Emotional tensions need to be realised before we can truly relax.
Would you like 2 hours sleep for the cost of 30 minutes?
Yoga Nidra is a guided relaxation, which guides us into a deep inner place in our soul, mind and body to a place that heals. Alpha waves predominate when the body is free from stress and is functioning at its optimum peak capacity, making the body more receptive. The nature of your mind can be changed, diseases can be cured and your creative genius can be restored. This simple practice of yoga nidra has the capacity of penetrating into the depths of the human mind. If you know how to practise yoga nidra, you can train your subconscious mind completely.
In the relaxed, receptive state of Yoga Nidra you can plant the seed of positive affirmation. A short statement about an important goal in your life becomes embedded in the sub conscious and strengthens the inner resolve of the practitioner to achieve their goal. eg “I am becoming healthier, happier and stronger every day” or “I will practice Yoga everyday” etc… What is your self talk?
Make it present tense, what feels right for you and works for you. It is a seed of change. It increases the willpower and sharpens the mind. It is a tool. A healing tool. It focuses the mind and body in a positive direction. Your positive affirmation is used at the beginning and the end of Yoga Nidra, it goes deep into the psyche and has a powerful effect.
There is deeper healing going on, more than we realise. What is our goal? Yoga Nidra helps keep us focused on a greater path in life, not just survival. The mind starts to be trained to be more flexible. Visualisations induce mental relaxation, develop self awareness and relax the mind, purging it of disturbing material.
There have been a number of studies that show yoga nidra to be an effective therapy for anxiety, neurotic behaviour and insomnia and in the management of diseases such as asthma. It is used with cancer patients, with prisoners, and in the field of addiction, it helps children to stay calm and positive, without drugs. It has also been successfully applied as a learning tool to awaken creativity and increase memory capacity. With regular Yoga Nidra, you can heal your life.
In the relaxed, receptive state of Yoga Nidra you can plant the seed of positive affirmation. A short statement about an important goal in your life becomes embedded in the sub conscious and strengthens the inner resolve of the practitioner to achieve their goal. eg “I am becoming healthier, happier and stronger every day” or “I will practice Yoga everyday” etc… What is your self talk?
Make it present tense, what feels right for you and works for you. It is a seed of change. It increases the willpower and sharpens the mind. It is a tool. A healing tool. It focuses the mind and body in a positive direction. Your positive affirmation is used at the beginning and the end of Yoga Nidra, it goes deep into the psyche and has a powerful effect.
There is deeper healing going on, more than we realise. What is our goal? Yoga Nidra helps keep us focused on a greater path in life, not just survival. The mind starts to be trained to be more flexible. Visualisations induce mental relaxation, develop self awareness and relax the mind, purging it of disturbing material.
There have been a number of studies that show yoga nidra to be an effective therapy for anxiety, neurotic behaviour and insomnia and in the management of diseases such as asthma. It is used with cancer patients, with prisoners, and in the field of addiction, it helps children to stay calm and positive, without drugs. It has also been successfully applied as a learning tool to awaken creativity and increase memory capacity. With regular Yoga Nidra, you can heal your life.
Hey Beautiful,
I just wanted to tell you that the seed you planted so many years ago has grown into an incredible tree that shelters and protects others and also creates new seeds and plants them in others.
I will always be truely grateful to you for your gift of yoga practice and self love.
Love Carla
Dear Lyn.
I want to thank you for many things but especially for sharing your love of yoga on so many levels. Thank you for your wonderful smile as you greet me and welcome everyone of us everytime we enter into your yogi space in the Girl Guides Hall. Rain Hail or Shine. I especially Love your warmth, your energy, your enthusiasm , your quirky loving disposition, your tough love comments.... Your wisdom and the new findings which you so happy to share from week to week. I treasure you and Nora and don’t take you for granted. I appreciate all the thought preparation and effort you and Nora do behind the scenes to make a class unique and special and love your adhoc improvisations when in a class . Top notch I say. My life has been richer since joining you on the mat four years ago.
Om Mani Padme Hum
Dear Lyn,
THANK YOU for your wonderful guidance and wisdom in the last four years.
I love that no matter what age you are, there are incredible health benefits, from practising yoga.
I feel my personal growth has been enormous since moving here.
Your unique perspective and frame of mind has transformed mine and I believe has helped my thinking,
allowing me to embrace my tired older body, my bad habits and acknowledging one can aspire to be better.
As long as I take good care of my “Ferrari” (my body) I can stay healthy.
Your talks have and continue to be, inspirational and I go away motivated and uplifted, ready to rise above
any riff raft that arises.
So I go into the festive season relaxed and ready to take on another action filled year!
Hi Lyn
I just wanted to thank you for the meditation classes. I am living with so much more knowledge, awareness, compassion, peace and most importantly love. I am grateful to you for that.
Thank You,
Hi Lyn
Thank you very much for my Yoga & Meditation class last night.
You truely have an exciting, nurturing, loving, motivating, positive and uplifting presence & energy about you.
For that reason & the fact that I need discipline and I feel I can learn a lot from you, I have paid the full amount
into your bank.
Kind Regards,
Hi Lyn,
I just wanted to say thank you for your beautiful yoga classes, I LOVED yesterday's class!!
Going to yoga is having such a great impact on my life physically, spiritually, and emotionally, and I'm loving how I can carry over the lessons learnt on the mat into real life.
The thought of the week, every week, is exactly what I seem to need to hear, and I'm so, so grateful for that. This year has been a big one for me so far, and I doubt I'd be getting through it so well without you.
Thank you, thank you, thank you!!!
See you next Tuesday,
Eliza xx
Dear Lyn,
How blessed I was to find you as a yoga teacher. I just love your enthusiasm and passion as a teacher.
I think it is wonderful you are not solely Asana focused but encompass the whole of the body, mind and spirit.
The meditation course and classes have been hugely beneficial to help me find that “stillness within”.
Thank you from the whole of my heart.
Love Vicki
“Breathing in I calm body and mind
Breathing out, I smile
Dwelling in the present moment
I know this is the only moment”
Thich Nhat Hanh
Dear Lyn
I wanted to thank you for sharing your knowledge of Yoga with me once a week. Since beginning Yoga. 1 have experienced countless benefits both physically and spiritually.
I have suffered from Scoliosis, a curvature of the spine, since I was a teenager and the intense pain was only manageable with regular weekly Chiropractic care. Since I began to practice Yoga six months ago, I have only needed to visit my Chiropractor a handful of times. Due to Yoga practice, I feel stronger, lithe and more agile within my body and my mind feels calmer and more focused.
I really look forward to my Monday nights and missing a session is just not an option as my family and friends are aware!
Yoga brings me great joy and I feel privileged to have found something special that both my body and mind can participate in with harmony.
Hari Om,
I just wanted to share a story with you. I found the most wonderful way to commute to work this morning.
I have to catch the train every day and I was having a particularly bad morning this morning and all I wanted was five minutes peace to just catch my breath and find my centre so the day didn't run away on me before it had even begun. So I got on the train plugged in my ipod and turned on "Gayatri Mantra" by Deva Premal and practiced my breathing exercises!! What bliss!! I almost started chanting out loud!! The mantra lasted almost the entire train trip in and I felt wonderful and peaceful when I arrived in the city!!
Thank you Lyn for the wonderful gifts you have given to me!! Both Deva Premal and my yoga practice and breathing!! It is always there when I need it the most. Anyway, it made me think of you and I knew you would appreciate the story!!
By the way, do you know of any good classes in Brisbane! I am desperate to get back to yoga and wondered if you had any recommendations (or if you occasionally sneak down to Brissie to take a class!! I wish!).
Much love to you!! I hope you are enjoying our beautiful Buderim!!
Take Care Jo xxx
Lyn's meditation teaching has transformed my life. Her clear guidance and simple and easy to follow techniques have helped me to implement and continue a daily meditation practice for over 6 months. This practice has brought a much needed calm and focus to my life and I feel more connected and energised than ever before. It has become an integral part of my day. Lyn is always there with a word of encouragement or a different strategy and technique to try and my practice never goes stale. She has taught me to find the pause in between. I am forever grateful to have her as my teacher and a friend. Thank you Lyn x
Namaste Beautiful Lyn
I just wanted to let you know I am now in Melbourne.
Thank You for You, your beautiful soul & essence & what you bring to the community.
I am so grateful to have met & practiced with you - you were a guiding light in so many ways for me. I am blessed for the connection & our experiences. Thank You.
I wish you the world of peace, happiness, joy & much love as you continue on your journey. Sharing your divine gift & presence with everyone who is privileged to have you in their lives, in whatever capacity.
Namaste Kerryn xx